The “Get Out of Jail Free” Card

Trump would like to have this card, but he needs the acceptance of the Supreme Court. We will know around the end of June or perhaps sooner, if they accept or deny his appeal for absolute immunity for actions taken as President.

The Special Counsel, Jack Smith, has submitted his brief of why Trump’s appeal should be denied. He states that there is no basis for immunity based on the history, text, and structure of the Constitution. Certainly, his supporters would like to see the Supreme Court affirm his appeal, so criminal cases involving January 6 (Georgia case and Federal January 6 case) could just disappear.

Most legal experts believe that the appeal will be denied. If Trump’s appeal is denied, the Jan 6 trial could begin in July.

Yet, this immunity case is for a former President. If Trump succeeds in being re-elected, he can claim immunity that he once enjoyed as a sitting President. At the same time, he will install loyalists in the Department of Justice, who will not only dismiss the charges against him, but use the DOJ to launch partisan attacks on Democrats including Hunter Biden.

This is the retribution plan, and it should never be allowed. It is a basic misunderstanding of government, that when a president yells “jump”, the only response is “How high?”. Yes, CEO’s can demand loyalty from their employees, but government, especially the DOJ must operate independently when investigating criminal matters involving other prior politicians.

So, I believe both the Supreme Court and the electorate must do their jobs to ensure accountability. You can not elect someone with 91 pending criminal charges as head of the executive branch with the obligation to faithfully enforce the laws of our country. One can not pick and choose which laws to obey.

With absolute immunity, while every law applies to the rest of us, Trump can do what he wants. Seems pretty much like a monarch. Except of course he is no longer president, and the electorate should not return him to power. His next term will be far worse.

Stay tuned,


More plots and subplots to Trump’s legal woes

The Georgia case is all about election interference. It was messy at the start, with so many defendants. Chances of success seemed to improve as four defendants decided to accept plea bargains and testify for the the prosecution.   It just got worse with the accusation that District Attorney Fani Willis had a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a private lawyer who has received over $600,000 in preparation for this case.  The Republican controlled Senate could not be more pleased to attack Willis, and on Friday approved a special committee to investigate Willis. See links:

Politico: A Reality Check on the Fani Willis Scandal, Is Trump’s Georgia prosecution about to get derailed?

Fox News: Georgia Senate approves special committee to investigate Fani Willis misconduct allegations

Will this be a fair investigation? Oh please, this is an election year, and there’s nothing more the senators would like to do is get rid of DA Willis. You can expect a very aggressive response as she has done in the past when legislators try to interfere with judicial proceedings. Impeachments are political processes, and normal rules of admissible evidence are gone. The charge of an affair is made by Nathan Wade’s wife in a divorce proceeding.


Next subplot arose when Smartmatic, a vendor of voting systems, filed a lawsuit against One American News (OAN), for defamation. In April 2023, Dominion settled their defamation case with Fox News for $787 million dollars. Dominion has helped Smartmatic with their lawsuit, by handing over thousands of pages of documents. In support of discovery against OAN, Smartmatic claimed in a filing that OAN Pro-Trump network OAN execs may have ‘engaged in criminal activities’ while promoting 2020 election lies. It is too early to tell if there is any real substance to this claim. See link below:

CNN: Pro-Trump network OAN execs may have ‘engaged in criminal activities’ while promoting 2020 election lies

I note that Smartmatic is suing Fox for 2.7 billion dollars, for defamation. I’m not sure how much they’ll try to sue for against OAN. OAN has stated that these allegations are baseless.


Legal experts expect Trump’s business fraud case to conclude this week. The judge has already concluded that the overvaluations of Trump’s properties constituted fraud, so the trial was to determine the penalty. It is going to be more than 370 million dollars. It was speculated by Bloomberg, that following this court decision, the IRS will likely be looking at the evidence in the case, for tax fraud issues. We shall see.

The presidential immunity case is in the Appellate court and a opinion could be issued any day. Trump’s lawyers see this as a chance to push back the Jan 6 federal case, beyond March, 2024. Most legal experts suggest the case will have to be re-scheduled. Legal experts also suggest that if Trump loses and appeals this case to the Supreme Court, they might not take it up. It would help prosecutors keep a trial date before the election.

The Colorado disqualification case and the Fischer case will be heard by the Supreme Court. I have posted before on the Colorado case, as I believe as a practical matter, Donald Trump should be on the ballot in both the primary and general election as it is vital that the president is elected by the people. However, what seems right and practical is not how the Supreme Court decides issues. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled in favor of taking Trump off the ballot, and the Supreme Court will decide if this judgement was contrary to law. Other states will likely follow Maine’s example and keep the status quo, until the Supreme Court rules.

The Fischer case will decide if prosecutors went too far in applying a law that was used to convict over 300 rioters of obstructing an official proceeding. It is the same law that prosecutors used in indicting Trump on 2 of the 4 counts of the Jan 6 criminal federal case to be tried in Washington.

Scotus Blog: Court to weigh in on scope of law used in Jan. 6 prosecutions

A lot will be decided soon. A lot will be appealed.

Stay tuned,


Donald Trump is a Hypocrite on First Amendment Rights

Donald Trump is angry as he claims the government has taken away his right to speak. It didn’t. A jury in Manhattan court found Trump guilty of libel in a private civil lawsuit on January 26, 2024. Of course, he will appeal the case. The plaintiff, E. Jean Carroll, will not receive anything until all appeals are exhausted. 

Donald Trump has sued a long list of individuals and organizations for defamation, and has lost just about every case. He knows better than anyone else, how tough it is to win a defamation case. But, he seems to like suing, if for no other reason, as a means of revenge to people who criticize him. Honestly, it seems always to backfire on him!

“We are going to take a strong look at our country’s libel laws, so that when somebody says something that is false and defamatory about someone, that person will have meaningful recourse in our courts,” Mr. Trump said during a public portion of a cabinet meeting in the White House. (New York Times, January 10, 2018)

“We want fairness,” the president said. “Can’t say things that are false, knowingly false, and be able to smile as money pours into your bank account. We are going to take a very, very strong look at that, and I think what the American people want to see is fairness.” 

No legislation was ever proposed.  Any legislation would have been opposed by civil liberties groups. As a plaintiff in these lawsuits, Trump really could not care about civil liberties. It was all about revenge and it failed almost every time.

Trump sued the internet news site, Buzzfeed for publishing the Steele dossier. Trump sued Fusion GPS for paying for the investigation. Trump also sued Hillary Clinton and many others in 2022, alleging “a malicious conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious information about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, all in the hope of destroying his life, his political career, and rigging the 2016 Presidential Election in favor of Hillary Clinton.” All these lawsuits were dismissed. The 2022 lawsuit was dismissed and the Judge awarded nearly one million dollars to all the defendants who had to defend themselves against Trump’s political lawsuit.

Trump sued the New York Times and the reporters over a 2018 investigation into his finances and taxes that was based in part on confidential tax records. The Times easily won the case because the information of true. Then on January 12, 2024, the Judge ordered Trump to pay the Times and three of its reporters nearly $400,000 to cover their legal costs.

However, when Trump is sued for the dissemination of false and injurious statements, then he loves the First Amendment. This is why Donald Trump is a hypocrite. You just can’t have it both ways! He lost as a plaintiff attacking the New York Times on January 12, 2024 and then big time loss as Trump was a defendant with a 83.4 million dollar judgement on January 26, 2024.

If you have information that is true, you have a right to say it, and the forum doesn’t matter. That’s freedom of speech. His fraud case is expected to conclude soon, and it is all about Trump’s dishonesty.

In March 2024, Trump will be back in court, with the charge will be that he approved payment to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall to keep them silent during the 2016 election. He used campaign funds to keep them silent. As the evidence will show, it’s not dirty politics; it is criminal. And it absolutely runs counter to the rights of individuals to speak in public, about what they witnessed and know is true.

Trump can’t blame the government. He did this to himself.

I predict Trump will lose again in March 2024. And he will lose this presidential immunity case, now in the Appellate court. Candidate Trump is both incredibly dishonest and a hypocrite.

Stay tuned,


PS: Almost forgot to include Trump’s attack on Marvin Ruffman, in 1990, who correctly predicted the downfall of Trump’s eighth wonder of the world, the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. You can search for this blog. It is a pattern of insults and bullying that goes back decades.